At LLM’s recent banquet, it was encouraging to hear Solomon share about the physical and spiritual progress the 16 children have made over the past year or more they’ve been at the home. Solomon and the board’s desire is to give that care to more vulnerable children. Since the existing house is full, plans have to be made for a new house.
To give the children a comfortable, stable and safe house to live in, LLM is looking to build a new house that will hold 2 sets of houseparents and 24 children. The center of the house will have a living room and a kitchen, then each wing will have a bedroom for houseparents and bedrooms for the children.
(one wing for boys and one for girls)
It takes both Solomon and the staff in Kenya, along with the financial giving of people thousands of miles away to make projects like this happen. The estimated cost of the house is around $40.000 (US dollars). To cover any unexpected costs, LLM is looking to raise $50,000 this fall.
At the banquet* a little over half was raised. We praise God for that and we thank each of you that already gave toward the new house.
We have exciting news! A few generous donors have offered to match any donations given between now and the end of the year. (up to $15,000) So if you, the gracious supporters of LLM, give a combined total of any amount up to $15,000, the donors will match that. If the total is raised, this will give LLM an additional $30,000 which would allow us to begin construction soon.
As Ron Miller, our treasurer, stated at the banquet, we know that the economy is tough right now and many are struggling, so we understand not everyone can give, but if you can, we thank you for prayerfully considering giving a gift to LLM this year.
Donations can be sent to:
Living Love Ministries
12002 Arnold Road
Orrville, OH 44667