We have set aside tomorrow, January 31st as a day for Prayer and Fasting for Living Love Ministries. Remember that when we work, we work and when we pray, God works…
Join in praying this prayer:
Lord we pray that You will pour out your favor on Living Love Ministries and the home in Ol Kalau. We pray that this year there will be breakthroughs, new direction and new insight. Give Solomon and the Kenyan Board wisdom as they make decisions. Lord, we want to move forward with Your vision, with excellence and with Your direction. We pray that You will direct us to the right Farm Manager, the right accountant, the right Social Worker and the right help for William. We pray that You will direct Solomon in using his time wisely and direct him to delegate the right things to the right people…
Thank-you for Your faithfulness in establishing this home for the vulnerable children of Kenya.
If you missed January 31st, no worries… Please set aside time during your devotions to remember the Children in Kenya, and to pray for the Leadership who provides the Love and care for the Children.