Please help us welcome Ruth and Samuel to the LLM family

Posted in: News


On July 1st, we welcomed the latest members to our LLM family. Samuel aged 13 yrs and his sister Ruth 10 yrs were brought to the home by the children officer after being rescued from a sad situation.

These children were found living in horrendous living conditions in a tiny room together with their ailing father and two year old sister. Apparently, their mother had abandoned the family. Their neighbors reported the matter to the local authorities who came to their rescue. Their father who was suffering from severe meningitis was immediately taken to the hospital but unfortunately died a few days later.

Their mother was later arrested and charged with child neglect. She was sent to jail for a couple of years and their baby sister put under care of a close relative by the judge.

The children were emotionally affected by the sequence of these tragic events and are undergoing counseling to help them cope with the situation.

Please pray for Samuel and Ruth to quickly adjust to their new home and for their baby sister Susan who might join them soon.

We also need prayers for wisdom for all of those working with these broken children, to have the love and patience they need as they begin the long painful journey of emotional and spiritual healing.

Please help us spread the word about all of the good things happening at Living Love Ministries by sharing this post with your friends and family.

God Bless!