Special Thank You

Posted in: News


A Special Thank You to the Brownies from Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, Coventry Service Unit Troop #41654 and the Tel Hai “Sew Creative Group” for teaming up to create Drawstring Bags for all of the children of Living Love Ministries. The “Sew Creative Group” women mentored the young girls, and taught them how to layout the fabric, and cut out the patterns, sew them together on sewing machines and attach the drawstring to close the bags.

In addition to the Drawstring Bags, the Brownies also collected all of the much needed and appreciated items to fill the bags, like lip balm, sunglasses, colored pencils and colorful socks! A team from the USA will be hand delivering the packages later this year!

Below are some photos from their time together…

GirlScouts-4 GirlScouts-8 GirlScouts-14 GirlScouts-9 GirlScouts-12 GirlScouts-10 GirlScouts-11 GirlScouts-15

If there are other groups interested in partnering with Living Love Ministries, feel free to email us at info@LivingLoveMinistries.org to discuss the many possibilities.

Again thank you to all of you, for working together to help the vulnerable children in Kenya, together we are making a world of difference for these special children!