Day of Rest
Sunday June 2nd 2019
KENYAN WORSHIP- a different experience.
The team started their day worshipping at the home church of LLM “Deliverance”. The service started at 8:30 with the worship team leading in song as the congregation arrived for the next ½ hour or so ; the worship team included both adults and children. Worship continued for at least one hour and 15 min. The Kenyans freedom and joy in worship was contagious and uninhabited. Most of the songs were not familiar but were easy to join in because of the repetition and being sung both in English and Swahili. I was especially moved when we started singing one of my favorites “How Great thou Art”, although it started in Swahili the music was very familiar and we were able to join in immediately. I’m not sure when the service ended but we had to leave at 12:00 because our taxi had arrived and we were expected at Graceland children’s home an annex of Living Love. The children had been waiting on our visit all week and earlier in the week sent us a note asking if we forgot about them.
Graceland children’s Home is an annex of LLM started by Mumbi who has been our gracious host while here in Ol Kalou. The children were so excited to meet us, they have never met “Mzungus” in person. Some of the children and leaders from the Sunday School joined us for lunch which was around 2:30. They prepared a feast for us, which included the Kenyans favorite on special occasions and gatherings “Chapati”, as usual the food was delicious. The children had prepared a little service for us which lasted for about an hour. The children were so excited to share with us what they have been working on all week. They started by telling us their names, what grade they were in and what they would like to be when they grew up. Most of them wanted to be doctors and engineers as well as dancers, Sargents, and teachers. After introductions the children all left and returned dancing as they re-entered. They prepared 2 dancers for us, sung a couple of songs and recited a couple of memory verses. There are 11 children at Graceland ranging in ages from 2 ½ to 10 most being 4 to 6 years of age. When the children finished they asked if we would dance with them. Some of us were happy to oblige and enjoyed learning two of the dances. I hope they don’t get published as I noticed a couple of people taking pictures and videos. All in all it was fun regardless of how rhythmless we may have been.
Mumbi then took us around the home which was just opened this past fall and has the capability to house 200 children. Her prayer is to be able to have at least 30 children in the near future, praying for clearances from the county and sponsors. She also showed us around the farm where many animals are raised to feed the children as well as provide income for the home. We returned to Mumbi’s around 5:30 where we spent the rest of the evening relaxing, playing a card game called Mao which has become a favorite of the team and chatting.
-Mimi Heisey