
2021 Friends of LLM Banquet

You’re Invited to the 2021 
Friends of LLM Banquet

The Kenyan Director, Solomon Mwangi, will be on site to celebrate the first 11 years caring for the vulnerable children in Kenya, and share his vision for the next decade shepherding the Living Love Family.

The Banquet is Friday Evening November 12, 2021 at Yoders Banquet Facility. Doors open at 6:00pm, and the meal is served at 6:30pm. Please Register by November 5th, 2021. If you’d prefer you can send an email to with your head count for the event, including children ages 3-10.

RSVP Today!

Our Hope Is In Christ

From Ruth and Jane’s smiles to Joseph’s and all of the LLM children, we have a reason to say “Thank You” to God, not because things are great, especially with the pandemic that has shaken the whole world, but because our HOPE IS IN CHRIST. 

All our children are safe in the Lord. Our prayers are with all our sponsors, donors, well wishers and friends, may the Lord KEEP and PRESERVE you and your families during this Global Pandemic!

Construction Update

The staff and children of LLM have been praying over all of their American friends for protection from the COVID-19 pandemic! The first confirmed case in Kenya was announced yesterday, from a Kenyan who had visited the United States and returned to Nairobi. This is truly a global concern, and we need to unite in prayer!

We keep meditating on the word of God! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.”

‭‭-2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭CSB‬‬

For a bit of good news…

We are making good progress on the final portion of Kraybill Pamoja Hall! Office roof is done, floor tiles and walls are in progress! Our Construction team is working tirelessly to finish by the end of April or earlier! Thank you for your prayers and support.

New Children

Hello everyone, let me introduce you to IKEN & TERESIA, our newest LLM kids! Iken was rescued from a small community notorious for abusing young girls of her age, and Teresia was abandoned together with a younger sibling to fend for themselves. She is only 8 years old, so you can imagine how scared they must have been, and the risks involved. 

Thank God for your support which enables LLM to be available and ready to house such children. They have both started school and are in Grade 1. 

Just look at those smiling faces!! Sponsorship of our children make all that we do possible. Thanks again for all of the prayers and support!! 🙏

Construction Update

We are so excited to share that construction of the final phase of Kraybill Pamoja Hall has begun. The new space attached to our large all-purpose room includes an office space and pamoja kitchen! We are looking forward to our Tenth Anniversary Celebrations this year and hope to have the construction completed before the Messiah Mission Trip in June. Please Pray for our staff, children, and contractors for God’s continued blessings and protection. 🙏

New Van

We have exciting news to share with our supporters! We purchased a new (to us) van to transport the Children! It’s can transport 15 kids or 11 adult Kenyans or 7 tall Americans 😜. Our previous Hilux van has served us well for the past 10 years!

Will you be our Valentine? As a way to support LLM, you can shop for your Valentine at and AmazonSmile donates to Living Love Ministries at no additional cost to you!

Drip Irrigation

January and February are usually our driest months of the year in Kenya. With the help of many of the children, we installed the drip irrigation runs that the Messiah team created in June. In the photo, Joshua is installing emitters with the help of the many small hands of our kids. 

The new solar pump is working flawlessly, and we have full cisterns that provide water for the irrigation drip lines. Thanks to everyone for making this dream a reality, it’s evident that they have enough greens for everyone at LLM this dry season!

Back To School

It’s been a busy time of back to school preparations! In Kenya the new school year starts in January. 🇰🇪

It has been especially stressful for our older children that are transitioning into High School! Please pray for our boys and girls protection, as High Schools in Kenya are boarding schools. We believe the word of God we have taught them over the years will guide their paths. 🙏🙏🙏

Thank you to all of the sponsors, well wishers and partners for your support, prayers and generosity!

Local Government

Our kids and staff were invited for a debate session at the County Assembly! They were formally introduced by the speaker of the house to all in attendance, our children learned a lot about governance and county leadership. We are so blessed to have this connection with the local county officials!! Who knows maybe one of our children will someday run for office?!? 

Generous Visitors

It has been a wonderful weekend at LLM! The children were privileged to receive visitors from the county assembly offices and the Kenya Police. They really had good quality time with our kids, playing badminton, basketball and just having fun! Thank you to our sponsors and co-workers in Christ, for caring for the vulnerable children in Kenya!!