
Hope Light Children’s Home

Today we got to visit the children at Hope Light Children’s Home, our newest addition under the Living Love Ministries Umbrella. It is so exciting to come alongside their team and help them care for the vulnerable children of Kenya! Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers!!

Meet the Children of LLM

Monday was spent meeting all of the wonderful children of Living Love, touring the property and playing lots of games! We shared meals and stories all day long! What a wonderful start to our week together sharing the Love of Jesus with each other!

We’re here!

We have arrived safely in Kenya after a long direct flight! Thank you to everyone covering us with prayers!! We are well fed and resting comfortably at Amani Gardens in Nairobi, and will be Worshipping our Lord and Savior in Nakuru, at a Hopewell affiliated church, named Cornerstone Church with Pastor Patrick. John Ames will be sharing with the congregation! Thanks for the continued prayers as we serve here in Kenya!

The day has finally arrived!

The entire team has met up at JFK and are preparing to board our flight to Nairobi, Kenya to minister to the children of Living Love. Please join us in prayer for a safe and fruitful time in Kenya. 🙏


This is Jane (grade eight) Mary wacera (grade nine) and Mary muthoni (grade six) Thank you for partnering with us in bringing back joy and smiles to the vulnerable children. Pray that they will excel in their studies and in every other area of their lives.


Sometimes in life, our dreams get shattered, hope is dimmed and all we see is darkness. Janet, one of our girls at LLM, always hoped that her estranged mother would come back one day, and take them home, so that they could be a family again. This was not to be, instead she attended her mother’s burial.

This week, let’s all join in prayer for Janet and her siblings, that God will restore hope within them. That Gods’ plan for them will not be thwarted. What a heavy weight she must be bearing! Lord Jesus, please come alongside young Janet and strengthen her. Please comfort her as she mourns such an overwhelming loss!

Welcome to the family girls

These girls were recently committed to LLM by the Kenyan court through the children department.

They were abandoned by their parents, the girls father left them by the roadside, and told them he had to pick something up from the shop, and he never came back…

Join us in praying for these girls, because I do believe we could have a teacher, lawyer, artist, or pastor waiting to bloom, who could have been lost!

Kindly pray for a smooth transition as they join our growing Living Love family!

This is what LLM is all about!! Rescuing the helpless and vulnerable children and giving them a destiny in the Lord’s vineyard!

Blessings to all our supporters for making this possible!!

We lost a dear friend…

We lost a dear friend of Living Love Ministries!! Clair R. Nissley, 90, of Middletown, went home to be with the Lord peacefully surrounded by his family on Friday, January 14, 2022 at home.

Losing this amazing man surely leaves a huge void in the lives of many and in our community as a whole. We are happy to know he is no longer suffering and elated to know that he is rejoicing in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You will be sorely missed Clair!!

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came out to Yoder’s for our Annual Fundraiser!! Remember the first $15,000.00 donated between now and the end of the year will be matched dollar for dollar to double your impact!!

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

-James 1:27 NIV

Thank you for joining with us in “Pouring out God’s love on vulnerable children”